About us

About us

Beauty tips is a website that makes applying makeup easy. With a variety of articles and tricks
on almost every makeup technique, beauty tips goal is to enhance your makeup skills in the
comfort of your own home.

Beauty tips are my place to share my passion for makeup and beauty with so many others! My
goal in life is to help even just one person feel more beautiful – if that means the use of makeup,
then I’m ok with that. Makeup for me is a way to enhance my natural beauty – it isn’t a mask or
a way to hide, but more like a way to shine. It can also be a way to get creative and wear
gorgeous colors in a fun way! If applying the perfect shade of lipstick makes me feel more
confident on my way out the door, then I want every other woman (or man) out there to feel that
same confidence, so that is why I tape my videos. I want every person out there to feel
confident in his/her makeup skills and feel “pretty”.

I consider myself to be a Makeup Educator, not necessarily a “Makeup Artist” as my passion is
teaching makeup- helping the everyday person learn how to use makeup to enhance their own
unique beauty.

I ALWAYS welcome your thoughts, ideas, and requests so I can make the site a more useful
the place for you and everyone else.


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