Professional makeup tips and makeup advice

Professional makeup tips and makeup advice

Each and every day we come across many tips from professional makeup tips and makeup
advice artists and bloggers. Beauty tips decided to check some of the most famous effective
advice only those worth your attention.
Professional makeup tips and makeup advice

Professional makeup tips and makeup advice is given below step by

step follow carefully.

1- choose the right shade of foundation

Choose a foundation according to your skin tone - it may vary from colder to warmer shades. To
choose the best and good product, apply different foundations along your jawline to take into
account the color of your neck.

2- Always mix your bronzer well

Modern contouring is based on soft curves. There should be no triangles or stripes on your face.
Choose a bronzer with a light texture in a gray-brown shade. Apply it just above the natural
the shade of your cheekbone in order to create a lifted effect.

3- Find the perfect and good eyebrow shape

Eyebrows define the whole makeup, so it’s important to choose a soft shape for your everyday
look. Pick your eyebrow color in accordance with your hair color: one or two shades lighter will
be great for brunettes, and the same shade or one shade darker will suit blondes perfectly.

4- Make your eyes look bigger

Black liner along the base of your upper lashes will create a sharp and open look and enhance
your lashes. At the same time, if you use it on your bottom lid without blending carefully, it will
create more "almond" eyes and make them visually smaller.

5- Eyeliner should suit your eye shape

Everyone can wear eyeliner! The most important thing here is to find your perfect shape. Don’t
draw the wings too high, as this may change the shape of your eye dramatically. The outer
corner should follow your lower lid shape. Draw the wings when your eyes are open. This
technique allows you to see the line you’re creating.

6- Use multiple shades for your eyes

Try to use more than just two shades of eyeshadow when applying your makeup. You’ll need a
fluff brush and nude eyeshadows for soft blending.

7- Apply only one coat of mascara

This step is very important in professional makeup tips follow these masterpiece
step carefully. Too much mascara on your lashes makes you look older and more frivolous.
Well-defined fluffy eyelashes are the best choice for everyday makeup.

8- Applying blush correctly

Make light strokes with the brush, and intensify the color if necessary. Apply the blush to the
center of the apple, blending the color along your cheekbone.

9- Pick a lip liner shade that’s close to the lipstick

The most important trick in lip makeup is that a lip liner should perfectly match the color of the
lipstick you’re going to wear. Overdrawn lips look vulgar. Try to blend the lip liner first, and then
apply your lipstick.

10- Hiding dark circles

To hide dark circles under your eyes more effectively, apply concealer in the shape of a triangle
as you can see in the photo.

11- Highlight the areas the sun naturally spotlights

Use highlighter for non-oily areas only, and try to avoid the T-zone. Apply it to the areas that
are naturally spotlighted: your cheekbones, your brow bone, the inner corners of your eyes, the
bridge of your nose, and on top of your Cupid’s bow.

So finally I thought you best and very good beauty tips professional for looking good and pure
.This 11 makeup advice will help you in looking well... Thanks for reading the article


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